Davis Conservation Foundation awards grant

The Friends of Sears Island (FOSI) has received a $5,000 grant from the Davis Conservation Foundation to assist with its capacity building project. Combined with funds from a previously received grant FOSI plans to expand its outreach through educational and public...

New Bog Bridge To Homestead Trail

If you want access to the gravel road or the Homestead Trail while walking north from the jetty you’ll no longer have to scramble down one side of the roadside trench and up the other to accomplish that. Volunteers from Friends of Sears Island have just...

Unveiling our new logo

Here it is…  FOSI’s logo, artfully designed by Robin Tara (Tara Design, Inc.). Soon it will be appearing on letterheads and other interesting places. 

Recent Projects Completed on Sears Island

Trail Improvements A Grant from the Recreational Trails Program enabled FOSI to have bridges placed along the Homestead Trail in wet or sensitive areas, as well as some ditching to divert runoff during rainy seasons. These improvements make walking easier and safer...