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Marine Mammal Stranding Response Workshop

March 29 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

On Saturday, March 29th, 10am-1pm, Allied Whale, the marine mammal research program of the College of the Atlantic will present a morning of talks centered around marine mammal stranding response at Carver Memorial Library in Searsport. The speakers will include, Rosemary Seton, M.Sc., the Marine Mammal Stranding Coordinator for Allied Whale, and Dr. Carissa Bielamowicz Miller, D.M.V., Allied Whale’s consulting veterinarian and a stranding volunteer.

Rosemary will give an introduction to strandings, the whys and wherefores of response, the stranding network, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the differences in seal vs whale strandings, performing necropsies, and much more. She will also introduce attendees to the marine mammal species we find here in the Gulf of Maine. Dr. Bielamowicz Miller will speak on seal health assessment, zoonotic diseases, and safety working around marine mammals. By the end of this mini-workshop, you will have a good understanding of stranding response, the legalities surrounding these federally protected animals, and know what to do if you spot a marine mammal on shore.

This workshop is cosponsored by Friends of Sears Island and Carver Memorial Library. Pre-registration for the event is required, as space is limited. Please email Ashley at outreach@friendsofsearsisland.org to register. 

Photo caption: Harbor seal pup that was rescued by Allied Whale.  Photo courtesy of Allied Whale.


March 29
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Carver Library
12 Union St
Searsport, ME 04974 United States
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