Self-guided Interpretive Walk: Tracking Mammal Activity in Winter

Sears Island Sears Island Rd., Searsport, ME, United States

From March 15th-31st, interpretive panels will temporarily be on display along the Homestead Trail.  As you walk along the trail, you'll see 20 different signs about learning to distinguish mammal […]

Marine Mammal Stranding Response Workshop

Carver Library 12 Union St, Searsport, ME, United States

On Saturday, March 29th, 10am-1pm, Allied Whale, the marine mammal research program of the College of the Atlantic will present a morning of talks centered around marine mammal stranding response at Carver Memorial Library in Searsport. The speakers will include, Rosemary Seton, M.Sc., the Marine Mammal Stranding Coordinator for Allied Whale, and Dr. Carissa Bielamowicz […]